Queen's Crescent School

  1. Pickwick Academy Trust
  2. Governance Structure
  3. Why become a Governor


Why become a Governor?

In becoming a school Governor, you are taking on one of the most important and valuable roles in education – the strategic leadership of a school. Governors are one of the biggest groups of volunteers in the country.

What do they do?

The purpose of the Governing Body is to help the school to provide the best possible education for its pupils. They set the school aims and policies together with the Head. The Head is responsible for day-to-day management. Governors have responsibilities in such areas as curriculum, finance, personnel and special educational needs. No individual Governor has any power unless delegated by the governing body. The Governing Body as a whole is responsible for any decisions made.

What kind of people are governors?

It’s a common misconception that all Governors are ‘professionals’. Although Governing Bodies do find it helpful to have governors with skills in particular areas (e.g. finance or management skills) most members are ‘ordinary’ members of the public.

Governors should act at all times with honesty and integrity and be ready to explain their actions and decisions to staff, pupils, parents and anyone with a legitimate interest in the school.

Time Commitment

Governors would be required to attend 8 Governing Body meetings a year. Attend 2 Governors’ mornings to see what is happening in the class rooms and be a link governor to a subject leader to support the lead teacher responsible for that subject within school.

OFSTED recognises that Governors who come into School regularly are better placed to fulfil their role.

Training and Support

Training is not compulsory, but all Governors, however experienced, need training to improve their effectiveness in the role and to keep abreast of developments that may affect their school and their role as governor. The Local Authority provides a portfolio of training.

The Governing Body is supported by a Clerk who has access to further support and advice from the relevant authorities.

Three key roles

A Governing Body’s responsibilities make best sense in the context of their three key roles:

Provide a strategic view

  • focus on the future
  • decide what they want the school to achieve
  • set the strategic framework for getting there
  • set suitable aims and objectives
  • agree policies, targets and priorities
  • contribute to, monitor and evaluate the school’s strategic and development plans
  • leave the day to day management of the school to the head

A critical (or candid) friend

 Offers:                                                       Should also:


support                                                         challenge

constructive advice                                       ask questions

a sounding board for ideas                            seek information

a second opinion on proposals                      improve proposals   

help where needed                                        seek to arrive at best solution for all


Ensure accountability

  •     the Governing Body is responsible for ensuring good quality education in the school
  •     it has the right to discuss, question and refine proposals while always respecting the professional roles of the head and other staff and their responsibilities for the management of the school
  •     in its turn, it is accountable to parents and the wider community for its actions and the school’s overal performance

To find out more (without obligation) contact: Mrs Rachel Dimech, Chair

of the Governing Body via the school office or

e-mail: clerktogov@queenscrescent.wilts.sch.uk.