Queen's Crescent School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Curriculum
  3. PSHEE



PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)

PSHEE forms a vital part of teaching and learning in our school, and is an integral part of our curriculum. We aim to facilitate the development of our children into healthy, happy and responsible citizens by educating them in several key areas:

  • Feelings and relationships - how to understand and express our feelings; how to negotiate and manage our relationships; and to increase understanding and tolerance of people from all different backgrounds.
  • Healthy lifestyles - how to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle by making informed choices; and how our bodies work (including sex education)
  • Money - where our money comes from; how to manage money; jobs; how purchases we make affect others; and the economic wellbeing of people here and around the world.
  • Risk - how to manage risk in real-life situations; understanding safety (including road, fire, internet, in the home, drugs and strangers); where to go and who to speak to if scared
  • Cyberworld: using the computer safety, cyberbullying.


In addition to the weekly, teacher-led PSHEE sessions, we also have a number of other related initiatives and events, including:

  • Every year we hold a ‘Ruby Power Week’ where we celebrate anti-bullying and showing ‘Ruby Power’ or kindness and support to others. During this week, much of the children’s learning is linked to anti-bullying and the profile of ruby power is raised across the school.
  • We have invited the ‘Life Education Bus’ to visit our school; they will be coming to see us in November and January. The bus is a specially equipped mobile classroom with trained educators who run programmes with each class, specifically designed for each age group. This year the programmes will focus on ‘All About Me’ (FS2), ‘My Wonderful Body’ (Year 1), ‘Feelings’ (Year 2), ‘It’s Great To Be Me’ (Year 3/4) and ‘Decisions’ (Year 5/6). There will be a drop-in session for parents and carers too.