Queen's Crescent School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Curriculum
  3. Outdoor and Adventurous Learning
  4. Forest Schools

Forest Schools

Forest Schools

Mrs Matthews is the Forest Schools leader at Queen’s Crescent School. Each week, she takes a small group of children out of their class for their Forest Schools session.

As the learning is ‘child led’ the sessions can vary from week to week, but usually they involve exploring the outdoor environment, playing with friends, using tools and drinking hot chocolate!

Some of the older children in KS2 visit Vincient’s Wood, where they make dens, play hide and seek and toast marshmallows over the fire.



The children thoroughly enjoy the sessions and learn new skills and establish new friendships. They also learn facts about different flora and fauna, changes in seasons and respect for the natural environment.

In their sessions, the children are taught how to take and manage risks, solve problems and develop their knowledge and understanding of sustainability through a variety of fun activities.



Throughout the school year, we hope that all children will have the opportunity to experience Forest Schools, either in a small group, as part of the ‘Forest fun’ enrichment group in KS2, or with their class or year group.