Queen's Crescent School

  1. Key Information
  2. Car Park Code of Conduct

Car Park Code of Conduct




This code of conduct is designed in order to fulfil our primary aim of safeguarding your children.  The car park represents a severe health and safety risk for obvious reasons.  In order to keep it open for the use of parents it is essential that the risks are recognised by all and effectively managed.  If you wish to use our car part, either as motorist or pedestrian, we ask that you abide by this code of conduct.

In order to ensure your safety and that of the children it is expected that you will:

  • Comply with a 5mph speed limit.


  • Ensure children are supervised in and around the car park.


  • Not allow children to run or play in the car park.


  • Treat the car park in the same way that you would as if it were a road.


  • Always use and keep to the marked pedestrian walkway.


  • Park only in the visitor area.


  • Not double park or block in other cars.


  • Do not park in the hashed area.


  • Not use the disabled parking space unless you qualify to do so.


  • Put pedestrians first when manoeuvring in the car park.


  • Be courteous to drivers and pedestrians.


  • Observe road markings and sign postings.


  • Keep dogs outside the school grounds.


  • Do not park in the staff car parking area.


Abusive behaviour to staff, pupils, other parents and visitors will not be tolerated and may result in you be excluded from the car park.